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University Equity and Inclusion

Building Inclusive Community


University Equity and Inclusion is leading efforts to support Rutgers' forward movement, providing resources and encouragement to build a beloved community.

“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.” – Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Meeting the Moment with Humanity:  Despite the complex personal and policy positions on the growing global humanitarian crisis, we owe respect in words and actions toward each other, especially when we disagree — that is the difference between being in proximity and being in community.

Speak Up! Universitywide Bias Prevention Campaign

Speak Up! is a call to action for all members of the university community to respond when they observe bigotry and to be vigilant about disrupting personally held bias. 

Speak Up - Disrupt Everyday Bigotry

Implementing the Diversity Plan

The diversity plan serves as a unified roadmap sharing Chancellor-led unit goals and action steps as well as overarching university strategies that will support their fulfillment.

Meet the people working across the university to support implementation.


Enabling Transparency and Accountability

More than just words, part of our institutional commitment in launching the University Diversity Strategic Plan was to promote transparency and accountability for progress.

Work Towards Inclusion – Tracking Progress – Rutgers University Equity and Inclusion

Promoting Institutional Transformation

The Faculty Diversity Collaborative is building a community of practice with individualized and targeted supports along the faculty life cycle to increase diverse faculty, ensure effective mentoring, expand networking opportunities and develop leadership skills to foster a sense of belonging and professional growth in the academy for all.

Colorful building blocks of different shapes and sizes fitting together