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University Equity and Inclusion
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LINK: FDC News & Notes

Join the FDC mailing list! Be the first to know about upcoming workshops and enrichment opportunities.


Newsletter Archive

Our semesterly newsletter, Link, provides tools for your own professional development and ways to engage with our programs.

Fall 2024: Making Strides: Three Impactful Years Driving Faculty Success

Spring 2024: Expanding Our Impact: How the FDC Continues to Broaden Faculty Support 

Fall 2023: How the FDC is Stepping Up to Meet the Diverse Needs of Rutgers Faculty

Spring 2023: The Art and Practice of Mentoring

Fall 2022: Advance, Engage, Mentor (AEM): Our Guiding Framework

2024-25 Faculty Diversity Collaborative Catalog

Discover career stage-specific support, opportunities to grow in community, and the many ways you can get involved as a faculty member at Rutgers!

FDC Mailer - 2024-25