Enobong (Anna) Branch
Senior Vice President for Equity, University Equity and Inclusion
The diversity plan serves as a unified roadmap sharing Chancellor-led unit goals and action steps as well as overarching university strategies that will support their fulfillment.
Meet the people working across the university to support implementation.
This representative group of university leaders works together to guide diversity plan implementation, shape strategic initiatives, and enable public accountability for progress.
Senior Vice President for Equity, University Equity and Inclusion
Interim Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement, Rutgers–New Brunswick
Vice Provost, Rutgers–Newark
Assistant Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, University Equity and Inclusion
Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences; Vice President for Faculty Development & Diversity, Faculty Diversity Collaborative
Senior Vice Chancellor for Strategy, Diversity, and Civic Engagement, Rutgers–Camden
University Equity and Inclusion convenes these committees to implement strategic initiatives, enable cross-campus conversations, host diversity events that build capacity, and give awards that recognize individuals, groups, and community partners whose work supports the university diversity goal.
The Diversity Education Network (DEN) fosters collaboration to maximize impact and amplify existing diversity resources to disrupt inequity universitywide. Members of the Diversity Education Network are faculty and staff whose organizational responsibilities aim to advance diversity, build inclusion, and disrupt inequity through education.
The Inclusive Leadership Network (ILN) is a mechanism to foster collaboration between organizational units to expand the inclusive leadership development opportunities available to academic and administrative leaders who are responsible for hiring, retention, promotion, and advancement to leadership. The ILN partners cooperatively host the Inclusive Leadership Academy, a series of workshops focused on building the capacity of leaders to create and sustain inclusive climates.
The mission of the Committee to Advance Our Common Purposes is to recognize, promote and build capacity for university community development that values diversity, equity, and inclusion.