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University Equity and Inclusion
lightbulb for diversity education


Learning goes beyond the classroom walls. We are committed to providing creative ways for students, staff, and faculty to learn from one another, engage deeply to develop understanding across differences, and grow as a result.

Virtual Learning Community Book Group

Participants will recognize challenges and develop tools for more thoughtful interactions across difference and understand how our attempts at finding connections can be improved with greater awareness and skill development. 

Man on laptop

Diversity Education Network

The Diversity Education Network is a mechanism for amplifying, connecting, and expanding equity, diversity, inclusion, access, and justice capacity building across Rutgers university for students, staff, and faculty.

lightbulb for diversity education

Inclusive Leadership Academy

The Inclusive Leadership Network hosts this cohort-based program to equip academic and administrative leaders to engage in critical self-reflection, foster positive relationships, and work toward institutional transformation within their scope and areas of responsibility.

Colleagues in meeting

Turn to Wonder

The Education as Disruption series of workshops and the annual intensives are an invitation to turn to wonder instead of judgement when faced with misunderstanding, to approach challenges related to bias – perceived or experienced – with curiosity, and to choose learning over resentment. If all of us did this, it would change our community. These tools will build your capacity to engage in a diverse community.

Education Disruption flyer

LinkedIn Learning 

Check out the curated LinkedIn Learning Starting Points to disrupt bias, promote inclusion, and enable substantive growth. 


Toward Racial Healing  

Campus Centers for Truth, Racial Healing, and Reconcilation (housed in Rutgers-Newark and Rutgers-Camden) develop and implement visionary action plans to engage and empower campus and community stakeholders to identify and disrupt biases as a means of preparing current and future generations of leaders and thinkers to build more equitable communities. 


TRHT Newark

Looking for resources on religion and faith practices?