Use data-driven best practices to recruit and retain a campus community that represents the breadth of diversity in New Jersey, paying particular attention to access and barriers to success for underrepresented faculty, staff and students.
Rutgers University–Camden convened a steering committee organized into working groups that assisted in the development of the recommendations and metrics that formed the basis of the diversity strategic plan.
Use data-driven best practices to recruit and retain a campus community that represents the breadth of diversity in New Jersey, paying particular attention to access and barriers to success for underrepresented faculty, staff and students.
Equip individuals with the cross-cultural skills and resources necessary to understand, support, and center inclusive excellence in teaching, research, and scholarship.
Strengthen Rutgers–Camden’s impact as an anchor institution through deepening civic and community engagement, enhancing connections with residents and stakeholders within the city and across South Jersey and addressing the historical legacies of racism and injustice.
Advance a climate that fosters and ensures inclusive excellence and a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion through leadership development, robust support, and accountability.
Working with community partners, the Office of Civic Engagement supports efforts to meet the challenges facing our host city, county, and region through engaged civic learning, volunteerism and service, community-based research, and integrated efforts and partnerships.
The newly formed Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council will support implementation integrating longstanding efforts, such as the Committee on Institutional Equity and Diversity, into a cross-cutting collaborative effort to support Rutgers–Camden's forward movement.
Learn more about new and ongoing initiatives that help forward Rutgers–Camden's diversity goals.
Rutgers University–Camden applies this special “last dollar” financial aid program to the remaining costs of your in-state tuition and additional mandatory fees after any other need-based federal, state, and/or institutional aid has been applied.
The goal of the Truth Racial Healing and Transformation Center (TRHT) enterprise is to create a positive narrative about race in the community; to promote racial healing activities on campus and in the community; and to erase structural barriers to equal treatment and opportunity within the economic, legal, educational, and residential components of the community.
The Rites of Passage Ceremony is a pre-commencement celebration honoring Black and Latino culture. The event recognizes Rutgers–Camden graduating undergraduate and graduate students hard work, and dedication, while simultaneously acknowledging the accomplishments of their families and networks of support.
Civic Engagement K-12 Education Outreach initiatives focus on increasing academic achievement and educational pathways to higher education for underrepresented students in and around the city of Camden.
This series strives to provide timely and ongoing conversation with scholars and activists on trending topics, domestic and global, that challenge and amplify our understanding of global civility and humaneness. Topics include conversations on racism, discrimination, classism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and others that challenge our vision of a beloved community, at home and/or abroad.
Rutgers–Camden is an eligible Minority Serving Institution, recognizing its expansive educational opportunities for low-income and minority students.
The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy (IDEA) Innovation Grant Program in Camden has three goals: