What Drives Hate?
To effectively combat hate, we must start by unpacking its causes.
Unpacking Hate Sessions
Watch the two Unpacking Hate sessions and use the resource list to understand the broader, social, political, and historical context of intergroup antagonism.
Videos, Documentaries, & Talks
The Chinese Exclusion Act. PBS American Experience.
Listen: A History of Pandemic Xenophobia and Racism. The Atlantic.
Go Back to Africa. Black & Abroad.
Free Speech vs. Hate Speech. NPR June 15, 2018.
How to Overcome Our Biases? Walk boldly toward them. TED Talk by Verna Myers.
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation’s Divide. Lecture by Carol Anderson.
Cultivating Cultural Competence and Inclusion. LinkedIn Learning.
What is Cultural Humility?. PsychHub.
Cultural Humility - Humbling Myself to Better Understand Others. TEDx Talk by Juliana Mosley.
Why do we hate?

The Psychology of Hate: Why Do We Hate? by Allison Abrams
Recently, several members of a group calling itself “Respect the Flag” were sentenced to prison for terrorizing guests at the birthday party of an 8-year-old African-American girl in Georgia. Pointing a shotgun, they yelled racial slurs and death threats at guests, including children.
Read more
Reckoning with Asian America by Jennifer Lee and Tiffany Huang
Surviving Hating and Being Hated: Some Personal Thoughts About Racism from a Psychoanalytic Perspective by Kathleen Pogue White
Transforming Ghosts Into Ancestors: Un-silencing The Psychological Case For Reparations To Descendants Of American Slavery by Bryan K. Nichols and Medria L. Connolly.
Legally White, Socially Brown: Racialization of Middle Eastern Americans by Sahar Aziz
Hate Crimes
FBI and associated press
Hate Crimes in US Reach Highest Level in More Than a Decade by Michael Balsamo
Black Americans Still are Victims of Hate Crimes More than Any Other Group by The Center for Public Integrity.
Black Americans Report Hate Crimes, Violence in Wake of George Floyd Protests and Black Lives Matter Gains by Wenei Philimon.
Tulsa Race Massacre by History.com Editors.
“The Chinese Question”—Unresolved and Ongoing for Americans by John Kuo Wei Tchen.
Notes for a History of Paranoia: “Yellow Peril” and the Long Twentieth Century by John Kuo Wei Tchen.
Why Are Asian Americans Being Attacked and What Can You Do About It? by Zaid Jilani.
‘This Isn't Just a Problem for North America.' The Atlanta Shooting Highlights the Painful Reality of Rising Anti-Asian Violence Around the World by Suyin Haynes.
Dear Educators, It’s Time to Fight for Asian American by Wayne Au and Moé Yonamine.
Wisconsin Sikh temple Shooting Recalls New Jersey's Dotbusters by Deepa Iyer.
Hate Speech
Equality and Freedom of Expression: The Hate Speech Dilemma by Toni M. Massaro
If He Hollers Let Him Go: Regulating Racist Speech on Campus by Charles R. Lawrence III
How can we do better?
Uncertainty of Now and Humility by Rev. Micah L. McCreary
This blog focuses on The Uncertainty of Now and Humility and revolves around intellectual humility and how it relates to cultural humility. That is, I hope to take a deeper dive into the complexities of humility among members of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community, women, and our many white male allies.
Read more
Speaking Up Without Tearing Down. A Veteran Human Rights Educator Explains the Value of Teaching Students to Call Each Other in Rather Than Out by Loretta J. Ross
Reflections on Cultural Humility by Amanda Waters and Lisa Asbill
Freedom of Speech: Harm Principle & Boundaries of Debate in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Fighting Hate While Preserving Freedom in Rutgers Today
Eye-opening Books

The Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing by Anneliese A. Singh, PhD, LPC.
(((Semitism))) Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump by Jonathan Weisman.
The Little Book of Dialogue for Difficult Subjects: A Practical, Hands-On Guide by Lisa Schirch and David Campt.
Dignity: Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict by Donna Hicks.
This Bridge We Call Home: Radical Visions for Transformation by Gloria Anzaldúa and Analouise Keating (eds.).
Politicizing Islam: The Islamic Revival in France and India by Fareen Parvez.
Learning Tools

Responding to Everyday Bigotry: Speak Up. Southern Poverty Law Center.
#IslamophobiaIsRacism Syllabus: Resource for Teaching & Learning about anti-Muslim Racism in the United States.
Contemporary Asian-Black Relations Syllabus by Professor Nitasha Tamar Sharma.
Antisemitism Uncovered Toolkit: Resources to Stand Up, Share Facts and Show Strength Against Hate. Anti-Defamation League.
What Does It Mean to be Antiracist? Handout from the Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing by Anneliese A. Singh, PhD, LPC.
Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide. Southern Poverty Law Center.
SPLC on Campus: A Guide to Bystander Intervention. Southern Poverty Law Center.