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University Equity and Inclusion
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Respect Faith Practices


In a diverse community with a myriad of faith practices and religious traditions, building an inclusive environment requires: 1) choosing curiosity about unfamiliar religious traditions, 2) actively combating bias and stereotypes connected to religion, and 3) honoring the choices of individuals to engage in faith practices.

Faith, for many, shapes their worldview.

While each faith has distinct beliefs, many key aspects are shared. Take a moment to explore religious traditions.


Buddhism is a religion and philosophical tradition based on teachings attributed to the Buddha.

Hinduism is unique in that is a collection of religious, cultural, and philosophical beliefs that honors various symbols and deities, respects several holy books, and celebrates with a wide variety of traditions, holidays, and customs.

Christianity is a major religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of Nazareth.

Islam is a major world religion stemming from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Judaism is characterized by a belief in one transcendent God who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets.

The Pluralism Project provides an overview of several of the world’s religious traditions through the lens of America. Visit the page to explore the wide breadth of religious beliefs.

Faith as a Dimension of Difference

Faith, for many individuals, is a central component of who they are and how they experience the world around them. Like other identities, it is also a place where they can experience bias. Watch this conversation to learn more about how you can help combat religious bias.

Speak Up thumbnail - Religious Bias

Education as Disruption: Religious Bias

Accordion Content

Members of the Rutgers community recognize various religious holy days and culturally significant holidays.

Read the frequently asked questions below to learn more about the university policy on religious observance and its impact on students and employees.

  • It is University policy (University Regulation on Attendance, Book 2, 2.47B, formerly 60.14f) to excuse without penalty students who are absent because of religious observances; or participation in University-sponsored intercollegiate athletics contests, practices, associated travel, and other similar obligations; and to allow the make up of exercises or examinations missed because of such absence. Except when related to clinical assignments, examinations and special required out-of-class activities shall ordinarily not be scheduled on those days when religiously observant students refrain from participating in secular activities. Absences for reasons of religious obligation shall not be counted for purposes of reporting. To learn more, read the university policy on course attendance.

    Rutgers University recognizes and respects the religious diversity of its employees. The university prohibits discrimination based on an employee’s religion or creed and will provide reasonable accommodations for employees to enable them to exercise their sincerely held religious beliefs.  To learn more about accommodations for staff employees, visit the Office of Employment Equity religious accommodations page. To learn more about accommodations for faculty, visit the Office of Academic Labor Relations religious accommodations page.

  • It is the policy of the University not to cancel classes on religious holidays. However, students should exercise their own judgment as to attendance in accordance with the dictates of specific school or program policies and requirements governing class attendance. To learn more, read the university policy on course attendance.

  • For some traditions, the interruption of regular activities and/or work is a component of the observance; this may impact participation and completion of assignments. Many religious traditions also observe specific times of fasting, which may impact focus and energy levels.

  • For Jewish and Islamic holidays, the observance may begin at sundown on the day before the holiday. Jewish holy days will end one hour after sunset of the closing day. The observance of Islamic and Hindu holy days may also vary depending on the sighting of the moon.  

    Members of the Interfaith Alliance have provided resources to support Islamic and Jewish communities during selected days of observance.

    For our Muslim students who observe Ramadan, this may be your first time navigating Ramadan during college and during the academic year. Chaplain Kaiser Aslam has put together some information to help support Muslim students at this time with the CILRU Ramadan Guide.

    Rutgers Hillel has provided this sheet to serve as an introduction to some typical practices that Jewish students might engage in during the High Holidays that could affect their time in and out of the classroom.

Some Major Religious Holy Days and Observances

The list below compiles dates to be mindful of during the 2024-2025 academic year. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all holidays or observances, nor is it an active catalog of religious communities on campus. It is a starting point to recognize and respect the array of faith traditions found within our community.

Accordion Content

** Jewish and Muslim holy days begin at sundown on the first day, as indicated by two asterisks.

# Some of these dates are not fixed to a calendar but based on the actual sighting of the moon, so there may be some variance by day, as indicated by the pound sign.

  • Date(s)

    Holiday or Observance


    August 31 - September 7, 2024 Paryushan Jain
    October 2-4, 2024 Rosh Hashanah ** Jewish
    October 3-12, 2024 Navrati/Dussehra Hindu
    October 11-12, 2024 Yom Kippur ** Jewish
    October 16-23, 2024 Sukkot ** Jewish
    October 23-25, 2024 Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah ** Jewish
    November 1, 2024 Feast of All Saints Christian
    November 1, 2024 Diwali Hindu/Jain/Sikh
    November 2, 2024 All Souls’ Day Christian
    December 8, 2024 Feast of the Immaculate Conception Christian
    December 25 - January 2, 2025 Hanukkah ** Jewish



Accordion Content

  • Date (s)

    Holiday or Observance


    January 7, 2025 Eastern Orthodox Christmas Christian Orthodox 
    January 14, 2025 Sankranti Hindu
    February 26, 2025 Maha Shivaratri Hindu
    February 28, 2025  # Ramadan Begins ** Islamic
    March 5, 2025 Ash Wednesday  Christian
    March 5, 2025 Lent Begins Christian
    March 13-14, 2025 Purim ** Jewish
    March 14, 2025 Holi  Hindu
    March 29, 2025 # Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) ** Islamic
    April 12-20, 2025 Passover (Pesach) ** Jewish
    April 18, 2025 Good Friday Christian
    April 18, 2025 Orthodox Good Friday Christian Orthodox
    April 20, 2025 Easter Christian
    April 21, 2025 Orthodox Easter Christian Orthodox

Accommodations for Religious Observances

Students are responsible for notifying their professor of conflicts with course materials and religious or cultural observance in a timely manner. The expectation is that an arrangement can be made between the professor and the student. The student is responsible for managing the lost study and work time as a result of an observance. Students should not be penalized for excused absences and are required to make up materials missed from an accommodation. Given the impact that fasting can have on a student’s ability to fulfill their academic responsibilities, some students may request alternative scheduling for exams and assignments during these periods. If you are in need of assistance, contact the Dean of Students office on your respective campus.

The Office of Employment Equity (“OEE”) is responsible for overseeing and coordinating requests for accommodation received from faculty and staff employees based on religion. In order to request a religious accommodation, the employee needs to complete an Accommodation Request Form or complete the form through the portal here. Learn more about the religious accommodations process for staff and faculty by visiting the Office of Employee Equity webpage or calling OEE with specific questions regarding the religious accommodations process at 848-932-9373.
