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University Equity and Inclusion
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Universitywide Diversity Strategic Planning Process


Building on the University Equity Audit, diversity strategic planning is the process through which we assessed and aligned our efforts across the Chancellor-led units and the central administration recognizing that diversity, equity, and inclusion lead us to excellence.

Enobong (Anna) Branch talks about Rutgers University Diversity Strategic Planning Process

Rutgers University Diversity Strategic Planning Process

Excerpt from "Cause for Freedom" webinar - President Holloway explains how Rutgers University can move equity from words to action

President Holloway explains how Rutgers University can move equity from words to action

Rutgers Equity Scorecard

The scorecard uses quantitative metrics to measure access, retention, success, and leadership representation for historically underrepresented groups by race and gender at Rutgers, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for growth for each Chancellor-led unit. Draw on it during the strategic planning process to reflect the activities and challenges facing your organizational unit and identify metrics to track as measures of progress.