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University Equity and Inclusion

Share Progress

What is an action item?   

An action item is any activity, event, program, task, or action taken that supports the implementation of the University Diversity Plan. While the goal is to make continuous progress, capturing intermittent steps via discrete action items is a mechanism to promote transparency and accountability. 

Submit your action items now. Help us capture the good work being done across the university.

Action Item Submission Guidelines

University Equity and Inclusion reserves the right to revise or exclude action items. Please review the guidelines and align your submissions accordingly.

  • Action items must go beyond a statement of purpose to describe a completed action. We aim to capture how the university has intentionally worked toward its diversity goals, not how it plans to do so (e.g. language that is drawn from a job description).  


  • Small steps are still steps.  We encourage units to submit actions that have helped to advance the University Diversity Plan, no matter how minor they may seem.

  • Being specific enables focus as it assists with reassessment and improvement of plans. For example, “Published 60 LGBTQ+ themed blog posts that reached 2,000 online readers in Fall 2023” is a much more helpful description to set future goals than “Posted blog posts that reached a wide audience.”

  • Though not required, providing links for newsletters, photos, web pages, and news articles will help us feature your action items on our social media pages. It can also create a clearer understanding of the action.

  • Items will be featured in an annual progress inventory and should be brief but descriptive. Review the progress inventory pilot for examples.

  • We provided a spreadsheet template (central administration or CLU) to encourage submitting multiple action items. Alternative formats will not be acceptedThe action item description on the spreadsheet is limited to 250 characters (40 - 60 words).

  • Be as descriptive as possible and avoid using acronyms that are not common to the general public. Well-known acronyms such as STEM, LGBTQ+, and DEIA can be used. If you believe an acronym is necessary, please write it out in full, such as IDP (Individual Development Plans), NCFDD (National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity), and WiCS (Women in Computer Science).

  • The progress inventory aims to capture activities, events, programs, tasks, or actions taken that enable the implementation of the University Diversity Plan. It does not capture specific personnel actions, such as hiring outcomes or promotions.  


  • Do not submit planned or proposed activities. Use this opportunity to help the community see the great work that has already been done.

2023-2025 Submissions

Do you want your area to be included in the Progress Inventory?

Select your organizational unit (Chancellor-led or Central Administrative Unit) to share discrete action items (lecture offered, program launched, and other forms of activity). 

If your unit is not represented, please take this opportunity to share your activities. 

Help Us Tell the Story

We built the Diversity Plan Progress Inventory to be a dynamic, engaging tool to showcase progress across the university, encourage engagement, and promote greater awareness of the actions that have been undertaken to implement the diversity plan.

Submit your action now. Help us capture how, together, we are implementing the diversity plan.

Rutgers Forward: University Diversity Strategic Plan – Cover

Have Questions or Concerns?

Email us at