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University Equity and Inclusion

It’s Not Spam! Open the Rutgers DEI Campus Climate Survey Email

March 22, 2023

Dear Rutgers Community, 

On Monday, March 20, you should have received an email from Joshua Patterson at with the subject, Rutgers DEI Campus Climate Survey—We need your input! This is not phishing or spam, it is a legitimate link to take the survey.  

SoundRocket, a social science survey research firm in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is administering this study for Rutgers University. The email contained your personalized link to access the survey; please do not share your link. If you deleted the message, a second email with the survey link will be sent on Friday. 

Participation is voluntary, but we need to hear from as many members of the Rutgers community as possible for the survey data to be meaningful. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to share your experiences. To learn more about the Rutgers DEI Campus Climate Survey, watch the recording of the webinar or visit the diversity website to review frequently asked questions. 


Enobong (Anna) Branch 

Senior Vice President for Equity and Professor of Sociology