Faculty Affinity Network Lunch & Learn
We are pleased to invite you to a unique networking opportunity to support formalizing peer affinity groups, or Faculty Affinity Networks (F.A.N.). Please join us in person for a 'Lunch and Learn' in New Brunswick at the Theological Seminary (address in the RSVP) on Thursday, March 9, from 11:30 am to 1 pm.
We encourage faculty to attend and learn how to apply for a team Mutual Mentoring grant as the support mechanism for building their own F.A.N. The Faculty Diversity Collaborative team will provide helpful guidance on how to develop a competitive grant proposal, as well as answer any questions regarding the development of a F.A.N.
This event is open to all full-time Rutgers faculty interested in leading and/or participating in a Faculty Affinity Network. We especially encourage attendance from faculty who have a variety of personal experiences, values, and worldviews as well as faculty who may face unique challenges in academia. Please RSVP and spread the word to interested colleagues.
Note: If you cannot attend in-person, we still encourage you to register to receive slides and other important resources from the event. Email us with any further questions