Understanding Educational Equity
Guest: Dr. Melissa Wooten
Dr. Wooten joined Holding Space to define educational equity and explore how having an ‘equity mindset’ can influence institutional support for historically underserved students.
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Read the transcript for episode two, "Understanding Educational Equity."
Reflective Questions
During the conversation, there were questions inspired by Dr. Wooten's comments that listeners can think about in relation to educational equity and their work on campus.
- How do we let go of the idea that it is problematic for students to come in to the university at different starting points?
- What does it look like for the university to be prepared to support students appropriately?
- How do we demystify the university?
Learn more about key words and phrases used in this episode.
Providing students with the resources they need to succeed academically.
A deficit mindset views the varied or difficult circumstances of students as problematic. An equity mindset refers to a way of thinking that shifts the value of those same circumstances or places no value judgement on them, and prioritizes distribution of resources that help students succeed.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are institutions that were established prior to 1964 with the principal mission of educating Black Americans. These institutions were founded and developed in an environment of legal segregation and, by providing access to higher education, they contributed substantially to the progress Black Americans made in improving their status.
'Office Hours' Resources
'Office Hours' is a segment of the show where guests are asked to share resources that listeners can use to learn more about the topic of discussion. Dr. Wooten suggested three documentaries:
Tell Them We Are Rising by Stanley Nelson and Marco Williams
The Boys of Baraka by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady
Little Rock Central: 50 Years Later by Brent Renaud and Craig Renaud