Inclusive Leadership Network
Meet the Institutional Partners
University Equity and Inclusion
As an integral part of the university’s central leadership, the University Equity and Inclusion Office provides accountability and encouragement as we build a better Rutgers together. We are building capacity to lead strategic and campus-wide efforts to advance diversity and inclusion, emphasizing diversity education and outreach to promote personal and professional growth to foster a climate of inclusion within a diverse community, and establishing partnerships to support coordination with existing campus diversity efforts. We have a core objective to develop strategy and an understanding of our shared responsibility to nurture institutional diversity and build community.

Center for Organizational Leadership
The Rutgers Center for Organizational Leadership is a national leader and resource for Rutgers University and the higher education community. As a hub for academic leadership development, consultation, and research, our portfolio of programs and services seek to build academic leadership capacity, strengthen organizational effectiveness, and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement across the institution.

Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research
The Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR) is a central office within Academic Affairs, reporting to the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (EVPAA). OTEAR is charged by the EVPAA with supporting institution-wide teaching evaluations and other assessments related to learning outcomes and continuous academic improvement, academic appointments and promotions, convening networks related to the implementation of best practices in teaching and learning (complementary to and collaborative with the teaching, learning, or pedagogy centers in the academic units), and sharing research innovations in the space of teaching for rapid dissemination across the four academic units. In our role to support the university community, OTEAR collects and analyzes student feedback on instruction, and provides both university-wide programming and customized workshops, training, and consultations upon request.

University Human Resources
University Human Resources (UHR) oversees functions that support university employees and promote a positive work environment for faculty and staff.
UHR comprises the Office of Employment Equity, OneSource Rutgers Faculty and Staff Service Center, HR Consulting, and more.

Faculty Diversity Collaborative
We integrate diversity and inclusion into the institutional pursuit of academic excellence, guiding the institutional investment in the retention and success of a diverse faculty. Learn how the Advance, Engage, and Mentor (AEM) framework guides our efforts.