Education as Disruption Resource Guide
To effectively combat hate, we must start by unpacking its causes.
Education as disruption is an invitation to choose to be curious about what underpins hate and bias.
Why Do We Hate?
"The reasons are complex, but following are some of the factors that may play a role in helping us understand hate and, hopefully, work toward change."
- Allison Abrams, The Psychology of Hate
- Fear of "The Other"
- Fear of Ourselves
- Lack of Self-compassion
- It fills a void
- Social and Cultural Factors
Hatred has to be learned, which means it can be unlearned. University Equity and Inclusion curated these resources to help you learn about anti-LGBTQ+/Homophobia.
Accordion Content
Transgender Lives: Your Stories Editorial Series from The New York Times
Transgender Students in Higher Education from UCLA School of Law Williams Institute
Civic-Minded Practices for LGBTQ Student Success by Rebecca Dolinsky Graham and Heather McCambly in AAC&U Diversity and Democracy
More Visible L.G.B.T.Q. People Isn’t a Curiosity or a Crisis — It’s Normal by Jane Coaston in The New York Times
Accordion Content
The Book of Pride: LGBT Heroes Who Changed The World by Mason Funk
Trans* in College: Transgender Students’ Strategies for Navigating Campus Life and the Institutional Politics of Inclusion by Z Nicolazzo
We Are Everywhere: Protest, Power, and Pride in the History of Queer Liberation by Matthew Rieme and Leighton Brown
The Savvy Ally by Jeannie Gainsburg
Accordion Content
The Trans Women of Color Collective: Shifting the Narrative by Dr. Lourdes Ashley Hunter-Fowler
'Ask Me': What LGBTQ Students Want Their Professors to Know from Chronicle of Higher Education
Anti-LGBTQ hate crimes and harassment are on the rise in the U.S. from CBS News: The National
History of Pride Since The 1800s from NextDayBetter
What it's like to be non-binary from CBS News: The National
LGBTQ: How You See Me from Participant
Accordion Content
Advocates for Trans Equality: Trans 101 Resources
Sexual Orientation Resource by The Trevor Project
Being an LGBTQ+ Ally by Human Rights Campaign Foundation
Remaining silent as hate rises has consequences. We must speak up!
Hateful acts aim to intimidate and hinder our goals of an inclusive community.
We reject hatred and call on all members of our community to offer respect in words and actions toward each other, especially when we disagree — that is the difference between being in proximity and being in a community.